
Qualities-of-Critical-Thinkers | savvyessaywriters.org

Qualities of Critical Thinkers

Please respond to EACH of the following discussion topics and submit them to the discussion forum as a single post. Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length.Then, make at least two thoughtful responses to your fellow students’ posts. If you haven’t recently, please review the Rules of Discussion.

Refer to this reading https://web.archive.org/web/20150404101915/http://www.foothill.edu/bss/people/peterson-david/ct/shorttermhtml/Notes_11_StrongSenseCT.pdf concerning the qualities of a critical thinker. Please address your thoughts about all of the questions below in your response.

Consider a career you are interested in (or your own current career). What does weak critical thinking look like? What does strong critical thinking look like?

In considering its applicability to a career, in what qualities of critical thinking do you find you have strengths?

When faced with a problem in life or in a career, what qualities of critical thinking do you think you can improve upon?


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