Q1: What are the principals of Object Oriented Programming ? (At least 100 Words) Q2: Discuss Abstra

Q1: What are the principals of Object Oriented Programming ? (At least 100 Words) Q2: Discuss Abstra | savvyessaywriters.org

Q1: What are the principals of Object Oriented Programming?
(At least 100 Words)

Q2: Discuss Abstraction & Information hiding (At least
100 Words)

Q3: Describe how Recursion problem-solving approach works with
the help of an example (At least 100 Words)

Q4: Discuss following statement with example(s) in 100
words: “complex problems can have simple recursive solutions”

Q5: Some recursive solutions are so inefficient that they
should not be used List and discuss factors that contribute to the
inefficiency of some recursive solutions (At least 50 Words)

Q6: Discuss Constructor and Destructor (At least 100

Q7: Discuss Abstract data types (At least 75 Words)

Q8: Discuss Inheritance and Namespaces (At least 100

Q9: Discuss with examples the operation of displaying nodes
in the linked list (At least 75 Words)

Q10: Discuss with examples the operation of inserting nodes
in the linked list (At least 75 words)

Q11: Discuss with examples the operation of deleting nodes
in the linked list (At least 75 words)

Q12: Explain the differences between Array and Linked List
(At least 75 words)

Q13: Explain the differences between Shallow Copy and Deep
Copy (At least 75 words)

Q14: Discuss STL Classes and Iterators (At least 75 words)

Q15: Describe with an example the Backtracking Strategy (At
least 75 words)

Q16: Describe with an example the process of Recursion (At
least 75 words)

Q17: Describe Eight-Queens Problem (At least 75 words)

Q18: List the names of three types of algebraic expression;
give one example of each

Q19: How can we convert a fully parenthesized infix
expression to a prefix form; discuss with an example

Q20: How can we convert a fully parenthesized infix
expression to a postfix form discuss with an example

Q21: What do you understand by Functions? (At least 50

Q22: What do you understand by Control Structures? (At least
50 words)

Q23: Discuss what you have learned in this course and how
will this course help you in other programming courses? (At least 100 words)


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