psychology question

psychology question |

1. Values can be found in the individual, ethics in groups or organizations, and laws in larger societies.  What other differences are there between values, ethics, and laws? Why are there ethics for counselors? Depending on your program of study, which codes of ethics will you abide by and why? How can the ACA, AACC, NAADAC, and/or AAMFT codes of ethics help you in providing treatment to someone with different values than your own?This discussion question meets the following CACREP Standards:2.F.1.h. Current labor market information relevant to opportunities for practice within the counseling profession.2.F.1.j. Technology’s impact on the counseling profession.5.C.2.l. Legal and ethical considerations specific to clinical mental health counseling.2. Review the timeline located in the Topic 1 resources. In your opinion, what are the most important events on the timeline and why? Refer to the ACA milestones and ACA Divisions from the topical course materials when considering your response. Choose a division and discuss its mission as well as its historical beginnings.This discussion question meets the following CACREP Standards:2.F.1.a. History and philosophy of the counseling profession and its specialty areas.5.C.1.a. History and development of clinical mental health counseling. questions must be answered by them-self and with 150-200 words and have a reference in it and must pass Turn-it in with less than 5%


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