PSYCH 540 Week 2 Complete Discussion 1.Are you an advocate for this type of research within…

PSYCH 540 Week 2 Complete Discussion 1.Are you an advocate for this type of research within… |

PSYCH 540 Week 2 Complete Discussion 1.Are you an advocate for this type of research within psychology? Is there any particular type of observational research you like or dislike? Why or why not? Discussion 2.1. Remember the “Stretching Exercise” on page 110 of our text (Shaughnessy, Zechmeister, & Zechmeister, 2009)? Which elements of their study were strong in terms of validity and/or reliability? Which elements were weak in terms of validity and/or reliability? Where could bias have been or become a problem in the design of the study? 2. Shaughnessy et al. write, “Self-report measures, often in the form of a questionnaire, are among the most frequently used tools in psychology” (2009, p. 173). Why is this so? What are the pluses and minuses of self-report measures in psychological research? If you were designing a study, would you use self-reporting in your study? Learning Team Assignment – Research Project: Literature Review Using the University of Phoenix Library or other scholarly resources, locate the required number of peer-reviewed journal articles reporting on research studies that were conducted in relation to your selected issue. The number of required peer-reviewed journal articles is the number of members in your team. Thus, if you have 5 team members, the team need to review 5 articles; if there are 3 team members, the team needs to review 3 articles. Each review should be a minimum of 600 words. Thus, there should be 3-5 separate reviews, with each review of an aricle addressing the following items: (1) Summarize the research question (s) or hypothesis (hypotheses) of the study reported in the article. (2) Summarize the design of the study: the population sample, the methods, and the procedures used in the study. (3) Summarize the method of data analysis used in the study. (4) Summarize the major findings/results of the study. (5) Identify the limitations of the study. (6) Evaluate the comprehensiveness of the research. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.



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