Provide and introduction to your core IoT technology that will generate new data for project…

Provide and introduction to your core IoT technology that will generate new data for project… |

Data for Development Considerations:

Provide and introduction to your core IoT technology that will generate new data for project


What type of data will be introduced to your development considerations? Discuss how the

IoT can benefit the future of new product development.

Product Considerations:

List THREE new product considerations for your future design with IoT data.

Interactive IoT data:

Describe how the IoT related to your product or service interacts with the end-consumer in

the delivery of superior product or service experiences.

List the projected end-consumer benefits and the specific interactive IoT data elements.

Product-In-Use and IoT Data Collection:

Describe the contextual factors (product-in-use and environmental) and the positive impact

factors that the implementation of IoT brings.

Identify ONE data collection opportunity.




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