Problem: The people of ancient land of Pacific Bata had a simple mathematical system that knew… 1 answer below »

Problem: The people of ancient land of Pacific Bata had a simple mathematical system that knew… 1 answer below » |

Problem: The people of ancient land of Pacific Bata had a simple mathematical system that knew only natural numbers and addition. The genius Bazan scholar, Gringo el Possum, built a computer from wood and various animal parts. Archeologists have recovered ancient scrolls with enough scraps of programs to reconstruct the programming language he named, Adder. The Adder language has only a few simple statements: quit Exit the REPL or terminate a program. input var Prompt for and allow the user to enter a value for the variable named var. print vat Print the value vat.. var gets vat variable var is assigned the value vat. var adds vat variable var has the value vat added to it.



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