prepare to write your final essay by writing a 5 paragraph mini-essay describing about the…

prepare to write your final essay by writing a 5 paragraph mini-essay describing about the… |

Today, you will prepare to write your final essay by writing a 5 paragraph mini essay describing about the biological, ecological, and environmental characteristics of wetland. At the beginning of your essay, include a ~one sentence thesis/topic sentence summarizing what your essay is about.

You may wish to use these prompts to get you thinking:

  • What organisms are you noticing? If you can identify them to Family, Genus, or species-level using a field guide/reputable internet resources, do so.
  • What changes are you observing over time?
  • Does the wetland appear to be uniform throughout? What spatial patterns do you observe?
  • What is the experience of being in the wetland like?




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