Positive Social Change in role of Licensed Professional Counselor

Positive Social Change in role of Licensed Professional Counselor | savvyessaywriters.org

Due Sunday 03/27/16 by 10:00 PM (22:00) Please have done by deadline I have got burnt over and over again.Any Questions Ask Please…. Please follow the professor’s instructions to the tee. Focus on the Red Text..Thank You for all your help…. JContributions to Positive Social ChangeHow will you use your education to contribute to social change and the greater global good? How might you, even in some small way, change the world? For this week’s Assignment, consider how your chosen role within the field of psychology can contribute to social change.Assignment:Read Walden University’s definition of positive social change below:Walden University defines positive social change as a deliberate process of creating and applying ideas, strategies, and actions to promote the worth, dignity, and development of individuals, communities, organizations, institutions, cultures, and societies. Positive social change results in the improvement of human and social conditions.This definition of positive social change provides an intellectually comprehensive and socially constructive foundation for the programs, research, professional activities, and products created by the Walden academic community. In addition, Walden University supports positive social change through the development of principled, knowledgeable, and ethical scholar-practitioners, who are and will become civic and professional role models by advancing the betterment of society.Next, read the article “Expanding Our Understanding of Positive Social Change” by Callahan et al. (2012). ****(See attached) *****  Then think about a specific scenario of a Licensed Professional role and how it could fit within Walden’s definition of social change.Submita 2- to 3-page paper that discusses a particular aspect of a Licensed Professional Counselor role within the context of social change.For example, being a sports psychologist who offers visualization training for underprivileged, at-risk youth involved in school sports.First, explain why you chose your particular example for the Licensed Professional Counselor role and why it is important to include an aspect of social change in both career and personal endeavors.Next, explain the particular web map of social activity that would result from the Licensed Professional Counselor example. Follow the examples given in the article, but have your actual text be at least 3 paragraphs long. There is no need to create the actual web map diagram.Finally, find one scholarly article, and explain how it informs your position.(Please use article that is attached as a required reference. However, you can use also use other resources of your choice.)


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