please write the Abstract and Conclusion for the research proposal in the attachment Abstract be… 1 answer below »

please write the Abstract and Conclusion for the research proposal in the attachment Abstract be… 1 answer below » |

please write the Abstract and
Conclusion for the research proposal in the attachment

Abstract be 1 page

Conclusion be 1 pages or halfpage

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Master of Science in Accounting (MAcc) Accounting Department Research Methodology BUS 621 The problems facing the Forensic accountants and its impact on their performance in Saudi court Student Name: Reef Mohammad Alsheail Student No: 381224146 Instructor Name: Dr.Ali Alnodel Created with an evaluation copy of Aspose.Words. To discover the full versions of our APIs please visit: PAGE 1 The problems facing the Forensic accountants and its impact on their performance in Saudi court Introduction: Forensic accounting is a special area of accounting, which deals with the investigation of fraudulent activities within financial systems of any country. The services associated with this type of accounting are designed to enable attorneys and their clients to resolve financial disputes and be able to clearly and concisely communicate financial information in the courtroom (Alabdullah, Alfadhl, Alfadhl & Rabi, 2013). Therefore, forensic accounting is one of the critical areas of accounting, which are fundamental in enhancing the success of corporate firms (Williams, 2014). Many international financial institutions have been facing financial challenges in the 21st century due to mismanaged planning that has resulted in further financial crises (Dada, Owolabi & Okwu, 2013). Some of these financial institutions have experienced various forms of corruption and other fraudulent activities that have gone unnoticed. Since forensic accounting prevails all the critical problems that are faced in the corporate world, it is important for any organization that desires to fight corruption to compliment the efforts of other professionals with services of forensic accounting to help in reducing these fraudulent activities (Williams, 2014). Since forensic accounting is a new area of focus for many countries, there are some problems that may affect forensic accountants and their performance in financial institutions and courtrooms. This…




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