Philosphy of Education Instructions Create a presentation or document to share with families that de

Philosphy of Education Instructions Create a presentation or document to share with families that de |

Philosphy of Education
Create a presentation or document to share with families that describes your philosophy of education. Include:
Your belief of how young children learn
Your role as a teacher
The role of the child
The learning environment
How you strive to facilitate learning in your early childhood setting
Options for communicating your philosophy include:
Power Point
Prezi (Free membership:
Display Board
View the following video clips for examples of philosophy presentations. No matter the medium, communicate your philosophy in a professional and visually appealing manner.
Bruner – Constructivism in Education (Becker, 2011)
Morgan Illustrates Constructivist Theories of Learning and Development (McWilliams, 2011)
Philosophy of a Constructivist Teacher (Jones, 2012)




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