
paraphrase-24 |

  1. Please give a description of the lecture.

A.That is roughly what was covered overall from beginning to end. Try to give some of the emotional tone and subjective spiritual meaning for the lecture.

  • Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft has a great influence on consumers outlook.
  • DeChant divides his lecture into three (3) sections being: (1) understanding the world as it is today; (2) The book “The Sacred Santa”; and (3) What’s Going on with Christmas?

In the first section, He starts by talking about the importance of Religious studies courses. He expresses his belief that religious studies courses are the tools by which we are able to think critically in the world to come. Additionally, without a basic understanding of religion, one is unprepared for the future.

  • When studying religion and culture you need to ask certain questions?
  • Christmas is a season of sacrilege and a season of holiness. Christmas is profoundly religious and arguably the most sacred in a year. Is it possible that our seemingly secular culture is a religious culture? To answer this question, you have to first understand what is religion.
  • The role of nature in religion is small, what guides religion today is the red and black of the economy. He supported this with a study from the Presidential campaign of Bill Clinton. He stated that the economy was the guiding force of the world today. Religion’s relationship with the economy would be related, for example the purchase of religious books, shrines and such things. The economy is consumer based and religion is related to that now.
  • The religion of consumption is something that we practice routinely. We are constantly consuming. Christmas is the most sacred consumption in America. At the center of the shrine, the master of the season sits Santa. We bring our children to the Santa God and wait in line to bring the child to the Santa God.

B. What was the main message?

  • The main purpose of the lecture was to speak about how consumerism has changed the outlook on Christmas and has changed the reason for the season. He emphasized this by asking what would happen when we stopped consuming on a mass spectrum. He explained that there would be many consequences if our consumer culture were to come to an end.
  1. Name at least one revelation you took away from the lecture.
  • The most startling revelation I took away from the lecture was the mention of the five (5) that greatly influence consumer culture. These included: Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft.
  1. According to DeChant, what are the various examples of “sacred” consumption in America?
  • Consumption on Valentine’s Day
  • Consumption on 4th of July
  • Consumption on Back to School
  • Consumption on Christmas, starting from the day after Thanksgiving.


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