PAPER ON STRESS – Assignments Help Online |
PAPER ON STRESS – Assignments Help Online |
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This 4-page paper requires students to discuss a stressor encountered in their lives, evidence of impact on important areas of functioning, coping strategies utilized, and potential new strategies to mitigate the negative effects of the stressor.Elements required:Part I: Article ReviewPerform a database search and identify oneoriginal research studyarticlerelated to some aspect of stress and coping that interests you. Original research means that there was a study/experiment and the authorsthemselvescollected the data (administered tests, MRI scans, therapy, etc.) and analyzed the results. The article should be published in a professional journal in social work, psychology, psychiatry, or other closely related fields within the past 10 years. Attach full text of the article to the assignment submission and discuss the following in your paper:In your own words, briefly describe the hypothesis, methodology, and results of the study (what did the authors initially try or predicted to find out, how they went about it, and what they actually found/concluded).Discuss how this study is relevant to neurobiology and clinical practice and how the findings can be applied in micro, mezzo, or macro-social work.Part II: Analysis of a Stressor.At least 3 sources must be used here, and at least 2 of those must be articles from peer-reviewed journals published in the past 10 years (attach full text of all articles to your submission).Identifya stressorthat you currently encounter in your life.Include an overview of what is known about the stressor based on your sources.Describe and explain the nature of the stressor (e.g., physical, psychological) and the level of the stressor (mild, moderate, severe AND acute vs. chronic).Describe how the stressor affects your life intwo or moreof these areas:physical functioning (health, immune system, energy level, etc.)emotional functioning (mood)cognitive functioning (thinking, memory, decision making, judgment)social functioning (family, friends, community)educational/occupational functioning (school, work)Describe your current response to the stressor, whether it is passive or active, and its short-term and long-term effectiveness.Think of how your current coping strategy can be improved or modified to decrease the negative effects of the stressor on your life.Use APA style to format the paper and all citations/references (at least 4 total required).You must paraphrase information from your sources. Copying and pasting is not acceptable and will be flagged by Canvas TurniItIn feature. TurnItIn similarity score for this assignment must be under 12%.This paper should be at least 4 pages of content in length,PLUSthe Title page and References page. Abstract is not required.
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