
Need-to-answer-question-and-write-600-words-about-what-your-thought-after-watch-the-videos |

This is a homework for Environment class, need to answer question and write 600 words about what your thought after watch the video, and in the end of the paragraph, write a question about this article( include your reference).

This is the question you need to solve and write about “Please watch the video about the World Bank and its role in encouraging the development of Africa’s agribusiness as well as the video about the IMF and Jamaica. There are many who believe that institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund create dependency issues as developing countries rely upon for aid without being required to address systemic issues. After watching these two videos, what role do you see global organizations taking in aiding the economic development of developing nations? Should nations be required to provide evidence of internal change before seeking financial assistance from outsiders?”

Please watch those two video and respond with your thoughts.Those video’s link “……

And then, if that is ok for you, I really need you to read one review below here, and you just need to write what you think, 350 words for each of review.

1. For the past decade, the World Bank has financially struggled with aiding other developing nations because they have assisted those developing nations with their financial crisis, and yet after pouring a big amount of money, those developing nations couldn’t repay the money back. According to the cases in Jamaica and Africa’s Agribusiness, I believe the role of the global organizations, such as WTO, the World Bank, IMF are mediators to balance the global economy. They provide loans for those nations who need help, but they don’t ask for the nations to providence evidence about their economic situation. This will cause a problem, such as the funds may not really solve the real problem instead it increases the nation’s deficit. For those specific two cases in Africa and Jamaica, I think there is a need for having widespread changes upon both developing nations. However, they should consider their public debt first before they ask for the aid. According to IMF survey, Jamaica’s level of public debt is one of the highest in the world. I also support that nations should be required to report their internal changes and issues before they seek financial help from other global organizations. Instead of seeking financial assistance from others, I think developing nations ought to lower their public debt first by altering their internal issues, such as politics, laws, public hygiene,etc before they require their financial demand. Because a negative thing could happen where those internal issues are not clearly addressed, it will lead to corruption.

I still support that global organizations can help developing countries with the resources that they originally don’t have. In addition, the funds can be used for improving their public hygiene, such as Africa’s contagious diseases and also help them with their basic infrastructure and education system. On the other hand, foreign investment may be another option for those developing nations even though it could have a greater risk for the investors due to an unstable economy in the assisted nations. No matter its financially supported from global organizations or from foreign investment, I think the most important thing and the basic thing to help with those developing nations are located on two aspects: public hygiene and the education system. It’s just like running a successful company, the employees are a valuable asset. In order to make the company grow and profitable, they need to have healthy and educated employees first. All the problems will gradually be resolved due to the solid foundation of productive and functional employees.

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