need help with writing assignment in philosophy that is due 10/30/2016 by 12pm – Assignments Help Online |
need help with writing assignment in philosophy that is due 10/30/2016 by 12pm – Assignments Help Online |
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For this module, you are required to complete a Written Case Analysis of approximately 200 words. Please read Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues, Case 5, p. 168. Identify the moral issue(s) and the parties involved, and infer their interests; discuss the case in terms of finding common ground in the diversity of interests you identify.Case 5 – A number of groups have urged restrictions on child labor. For example, they believe that no one under age 16 should be permitted to work in the manufacturing, mining, agricultural, and construction industries; that hours of work should be limited in all jobs for workers under the age of 18; and that no one under 21 should be allowed to have any contact with pesticides. Discuss the moral considerations attending this proposal.Submit your assignment to the Written Case Analysis 1 Dropbox no later than Sunday 12pm PM EST/EDT.(This Dropbox is linked to Turnitin.) When you save your document, please make sure it includes the following format: “Firstname Lastname–WCA1″
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