ndividual Assignment: HRMT 4334 Labor Relations and Ethics Title: Media Portfolio Due Date: Please s

ndividual Assignment: HRMT 4334 Labor Relations and Ethics Title: Media Portfolio Due Date: Please s | savvyessaywriters.org

ndividual Assignment:  HRMT  4334  Labor Relations and Ethics
Title:  Media Portfolio
Due Date: Please see syllabus on BB
Details of task:
The purpose of this assessment is to encourage critical understanding of current labor/employment relations and ethical issues and how they fit into the Saudi Arabian context.  It promotes academic research and writing skills as well as general research and reading skills and knowledge.


The media portfolio is an individual assignment that involves a critical examination and analysis of current media articles/reports relating to Saudi Arabia’s employee and labor relations within the industrial relations system at both Province and Kingdom level
Each student should identify THREE (3) issues that reflect what is happening in the Saudi Arabian this semester.  Some issues that may be relevant are:
•    Saudization
•    Changing nature of work, work and technology
•    Changing conditions of work
•    Cross-cultural issues
•    Globalization and expatriate workforce
•    Roles and responsibilities of supervisors in the workplace
Please note that this list is not exclusive and you are encouraged to develop your own interests  into appropriate issues.
The requirements of the Media Portfolio are that you:
Create a professional portfolio containing hard copies of a minimum of 20 media articles from this semester that indicates the range and scope of articles read and analyzed.  (Do not just summarize your articles). These articles should relate to events occurring during the current semester and should be numbered consecutively from 1 onwards.  The portfolio should also include a detailed list of articles containing the source of the article (i.e. newspaper title but not the journalist) and the date the article was published.  Items from television and radio may be included but attached transcripts from the relevant.  Set this up as a table of articles/contents to go at the front
Newspaper or source
Article number
Saudi News
24 January
Arab News
2 March
Shoura Press release
1 April

Once you have compiled your media portfolio you are to provide a 2,000 word analysis of 3 chosen issues and show how they link to ER/LR and Ethics and to each other.  This must consist of the following parts.  


•    Introduction
This introduction is where you briefly outline the issues chosen for your analysis and indicate the importance of these issues. Indicate how and why the issues fit within employee relations, or labor relations, or ethics or human resource management and how they relate to each other.  You may choose to do this by using a theme or a model or by any other means you deem appropriate.
•    Body
The body makes up the majority of the media portfolio analysis.  Sub-headings may be used to delineate the major issues chosen and important themes; however, they remain optional. Refer to each article by number (use the number from your Table of Contents/Articles as the reference.
In the body you should provide an analysis of each of your chosen issues using relevant references from texts (citing the author + year), journal articles (citing the author + year) and newspapers (citing the article number). You do not simply summarize your articles or their main points, as that is only the first stage of the process and is not an analysis.
You need to demonstrate how and why the material presented in the article supports your argument. Media articles from the portfolio should be incorporated to support the arguments presented.  Links need to be identified between the issues and the Saudi Arabian context.
You must include references to academic research (journal -articles and texts) to support your argument.  Your media portfolio should be linked by certain issues and a theme – that means that it is not an unconnected pile of articles.
Students who do not provide clear linkages between their chosen issues and academic research will not gain high marks. A lack of referencing incurs major penalties if it occurs at a level that indicates plagiarism.
•    Conclusion
The conclusion provides an overview of your arguments on the issues and themes.  It may also provide comments on implications for the future if this is deemed relevant. Do not use direct quotes in the conclusion. Do not introduce new material.
•    Reference List
All academic references cited in your analysis must be included in your reference list.  Please see information on BB for APA referencing.  A penalty will be applied if referencing is incorrect or absent.



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