Mod 4 Is Espionage an Attack? at What Point Does Hacking or Espionage Become an Attack?

Business Finance

Provide a Topic Summary (a minimum of 250 words) of your choice on an article selected from one of the Websites listed below.

This week reading

Module 4 Readings

This week’s readings:

-Singer/Friedman, CyberSecurity and Cyber War, Part II (only sections below).

**The Crimes of Tomorrow, Today: What Is Cybercrime?**Shady RATs and Cyberspies: What is Cyber Espionage?**How Afraid Should We Be of Cyberterrorism?**So How Do Terrorists Actually Use the Web?**What about Cyber Counterterrorism?

-Valeriano/Maness. Cyber War Versus Cyber Realities, Chapter 2; Chapter 3, pp 65-71; Chapter 4

Please have a look at the attached files & the additional reading and go through the websites listed below, then

Provide a Topic Summary of your choice on an article selected from one of the Websites listed below. These summaries (a minimum of 250 words) must tie your article to the assigned readings for the week.

Here are the websites:


Professor instructions

Weekly Topic Summary

Your assignment is to provide a Topic Summary of your choice on an article selected from one of the listed Websites. These summaries (a minimum of 250 words) must tie your article to the assigned readings for the week.

–These are summaries of a single article from one of the five websites provided in the syllabus. No other references or research is required. I do expect you to make a connection between your summary and the readings for the module for that week.