MKTG469 University of Illinois Product Market Screening Analysis Paper

Business Finance

Quick Overview:

  • Select a product for which you will conduct a market screening analysis
  • Decide on 10 countries for which you will conduct a thorough analysis
  • Follow 4-step process for collecting and analyzing data
  • Write a 1-page memo in which you summarize the decisions you make (e.g., why did you select specific indicators, and what is the reasoning for your weights) and your final recommendations.
  • Tables with your analyses and data sources should be in an appendix (see template on Bb).
  • Please include all documentation in 1 file(either Word or PDF).

I will also provide the class notes once tutor is selected.


Assignment Overview

The purpose of the assignment is to perform a market screening analysis, that is, to rank prospective markets in terms of suitability for market entry for a specific product.

You will assume that you have gotten an internship with a small to mid-sized US company that sells either consumer or business products. Your supervisor has asked you to perform a market screening analysis to identify which country to target for the international launch of one of the company’s products. For the assignment, you can choose any product you want to work with, but two students cannot work with the same product, so please email me your product choice as soon as you have made that decision.

What you need to do

The market screening analysis will be described in more detail in class and you will get some time to work on this in class.

Before following the four steps of the main analysis, you will first identify the ten most interesting countries for an expansion. For example, you can choose the ten largest countries in Europe or Asia or the ten countries worldwide with the highest GDP growth rate.

You need to select ten market indicators for the quantitative analysis. While some of these may be general indicators of demand, you would want to find at least three or four that are closely related to demand of the specific product that you are doing research for. You will need to use Excel or a similar program for the analysis. We will review some of this in class, but I also recommend you to look at tutorials on if you are unsure of how to use Excel. I’m also happy to answer questions about how to use Excel.

What you will turn in

You will report your analysis in a one-page memo in which you will explain the steps you took throughout the analysis (how did you select the top ten countries, how did you select the market indicators, how did you come up with your weights), and discuss your results. You should include your numerical analyses in an appendix to the memo (see Memo outline). You will need one table for the raw data (and the sources you have used in footnotes), one table in which you list and explain the weights you have chosen for each indicator, and at least one table for the analysis.

The memo should be written to your superior in the company (not to me!) and your goal is to convince him or her that your recommendation is sound.

Your assignment should be uploaded on Blackboard as one (1) file, either Word or PDF. While you will be doing your analysis in Excel, you need to copy/paste your tables into your Word document (that would also give you an opportunity to fix the layout to a more readable look).