M.J. is a 65-year-old woman with chronic kidney disease awaiting a kidney transplant. She has been..

M.J. is a 65-year-old woman with chronic kidney disease awaiting a kidney transplant. She has been.. | savvyessaywriters.org

M.J. is a 65-year-old woman with chronic kidney disease awaiting a kidney transplant. She has been managed with PD for the past 8 years. She presents with a cloudy effluent and abdominal pain. Analysis of the effluent reveals a WBC count of 323/?L and gram-positive cocci and clusters on Gram stain. The patient has a history of S. aureus peritonitis that was readily treated with cefazolin 2 years ago. The patient has no allergies, and weighs 52 kg. How should M.J.’s PD-related infection be managed?


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