Locate, summarise and evaluate six (6) sources (three (3) academic journal articles published… 1 answer below »

Locate, summarise and evaluate six (6) sources (three (3) academic journal articles published… 1 answer below » | savvyessaywriters.org

1. See the Academic Skills Quick Guide, ‘Writing an Annotated Bibliography’, on the MySCU site produced by SCU Academic Skills. 2. Locate, summarise and evaluate six (6) sources (three (3) academic journal articles published between 2000 and 2016, and three (3) non-academic) which relate to positive or negative impacts of tourism and your study location (see Question 5 of instructions for Assessment 3). Your annotated bibliography should be presented as follows: • Provide a heading for each source with full bibliographic details arranged in alphabetical order, following the Harvard format. • Provide a description of the contents of each source and an analysis of each source in addressing Questions 4,5 or 6 (Assessment 3). • Provide a statement on the relevance of each source to the case study location (Assessment 3). What is the article about? What are key ideas in the article? How do key ideas relate to study location? What are implications from applying key ideas to tourism impacts at the location? Note: Readings or your text for this unit cannot be used as academic sources for this assessment. Marking criteria • Correct bibliographic details for each academic source (2 marks) • Review and evaluation of six sources (3 academic and 3 non-academic) relevant to Assignment 3 (18 marks) • Correct spelling, grammar and writing (10 marks)




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