
Lists-traditional-evolving-and-emerging-technologies-used-to-capture-and-enter-data-into-a-system- |

Figure 8-17 on page 261 in your textbook lists traditional, evolving, and emerging technologies used to capture and enter data into a system. List 10 actual examples with descriptions of innovative methods to capture data. To get you started look at law enforcement, agriculture, GPS, hand held devices, manufacturing, RFID, barcoding among other numerous fields. You can also think about devices/methods that are actually used, are unexpected, or cutting edge. In your description make sure you describe how this method is better, faster, less expensive, etc. than current methods. List sources that you used.

Each example must describe the application and explain how this method is better than other methods (a paragraph).

Grading: One point for each innovative data capture item listed and discussed. An additional five points will be awarded for format, grammar, spelling, and use of citations.


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