Learning Activity #1 Production Identify a multinational firm from the Fortune 500 List….

Learning Activity #1 Production Identify a multinational firm from the Fortune 500 List…. | savvyessaywriters.org

Learning Activity #1  Production

Identify a multinational firm from the Fortune 500 List.

  • Discuss where the firms products are produced, whether the company produces in a single country or several key locations?
  • Have they changed their production strategy to move manufacturing from the US to another country, or back to the US after years of outsourcing?
  • What factors would a firm consider when deciding to move manufacturing abroad?
  • Learning Activity #1  Production

    Identify a multinational firm from the Fortune 500 List.

    • Discuss where the firms products are produced, whether the company produces in a single country or several key locations?
    • Have they changed their production strategy to move manufacturing from the US to another country, or back to the US after years of outsourcing?
    • What factors would a firm consider when deciding to move manufacturing abroad?
    • How has technology enabled outsourcing?

    Learning Activity #2  Quality Control

    Explain why quality control is important for a service business such as Sprint Nextel? Discuss the benefits of quality control for a service business and the methods a company might use for controlling quality?

Learning Activity #2  Quality Control

Explain why quality control is important for a service business such as Sprint Nextel? Discuss the benefits of quality control for a service business and the methods a company might use for controlling quality?


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