kinesiology body movements. NO plagiarism please

kinesiology body movements. NO plagiarism please |

Assignment 1:Muscles that cross the both the hip and knee can affect the mobility of either of the joints.Using approximately 400-500 words, describe how and why maintaining the position of full knee extension limits the ability to maximally flex the hip both actively and passively. Does maintaining excessive hip flexion limit the ability to accomplish full knee extension? Consequently, describe how and why maintaining the position of full knee flexion limits the ability to maximally extend the hip both actively and passively. Does maintaining excessive hip extension limit the ability to accomplish full knee flexion? Include at least two scholarly references (using APA formatting and style) to guide your answers.assignment 2:Heel raise exercises are typically performed standing and going up on your toes. There are multiple ways to vary this exercise.Using approximately 400-500 words, describe the difference between performing heel raises with your knees straight versus your knees bent. What muscles are being activated with each activity? With this knowledge, how would it change the way these muscles get stretched? Include at least two scholarly references (using APA formatting and style) to guide your answers.


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