Investigate, design and develop a suitable VPN network for a fictitious company in Australia…

Investigate, design and develop a suitable VPN network for a fictitious company in Australia… |

Tasks: There are two parts to this assignment, i.e. part A and part B. 1. Investigate, design and develop a suitable VPN network for a fictitious company in Australia (CyberVision Inc.) by addressing the following criteria. See detailed instruction in the next section. (35 marks) 2. Presentation and demonstration. (15 marks) Note: Only one report for part A and one presentation slide and demonstration (6 slides maximum in addition to packet tracer script) for part B per group should be submitted. As this is a Group Assignment make sure the contribution made by each student is clearly mentioned in the front page of the report. Each student in the group must make sufficient contribution. The report must be properly formatted and have a table of contents. Part A description: (35 marks) Situation Many companies use frame relay or leased lines to provide secure communications with their business partners, subsidiaries, and vendors. Unfortunately, these solutions are often expensive and geographically limiting. VPN offers an alternative for companies who want private, cost-effective communications. Suppose you are a major parts supplier to a manufacturer. Since it is critical that you have the specific parts and quantities at the exact time required by the manufacturing firm, you always need to be aware of the manufacturer’s inventory status and production schedules. Perhaps you handle this interaction manually today, and find it time consuming, expensive and even inaccurate at times. You want to find an easier, faster, and more effective way to communicate with your manufacturing company. However, given the confidentiality and time-sensitive nature of the information you exchange, the manufacturer does not want to publish it on its corporate Web site or distribute it monthly in an external report. By exploiting the public Internet, you can easily establish a VPN to meet the needs of both companies.




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