
information-technology-society |

comment on both the #1 & #2 discussion in about 3 lines each and sepeately


In nowadays, inadequate process change is very important for any company. Not only for the surface of the company but also in their underlying business or clinical processes. What is underlying business or clinical processes? I think that employees need to accept the new processes and implement thoroughly from their bottom of hearts. They do not just want their employer feels embarrassing. Today, when employees leave an organization or change roles within the same organization, it’s more critical than ever that any access rights to the corporate network, systems, and data are revoked or modified to match their new status,” said John Milburn, president and general manager of One Identity.

In IT governance, business leaders want to do the right thing. They want the business to succeed and they will work hard to make that happen. But all too often, they are motivated and rewarded by having their small part of the organization succeed. IT governance requires that the scarce resource of technology capacity be diligently distributed across the organization for overall business success. In other words, it requires that IT cannot be allocated on the basis of individual team needs but rather on collective, organizational goals. (Of course, we recognize that a small percentage of IT budget should be set aside for specific team needs and in many organizations, each team gets a dedicated amount of cash for that very reason.)


In the article, ‘Measuring IT Benefits’,Greenwalt & Riney list three main challenges in determining the value of IT investmetns. They said, ‘Key indicators for IT governance success include executive ownership, effective partnerships, and clearly assigned accountability.’ (Greenwalt & Riney, 2007)

(1) Poor alignment of processes and technology: IT solutions cannot solve root causes, but problems on surface.

(2) Inadequate process change: Underlying business or clinical processes is not updated while invest in IT.

(3) A lack of executive ownership and accountability: IT team is separated from core section, they cannot operates based on the goal of the company.

From my point of view, the key to solve the problem is to let IT managers involved in company’s core business, and let his IT staffs understand what is the goal for the company. Furthermore, you won’t hire someone got no ideas about how to connect IT technology with business goals, or someone don’t familiar with IT technology. How can they achieve the goal without understand how to use the tools.


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