Individual Project 4 Understanding Substance Abuse Mon, 12/14/15Delivery Length 3-4 pages You are no

Individual Project 4 Understanding Substance Abuse Mon, 12/14/15Delivery Length 3-4 pages You are no |


Individual Project 4


Understanding Substance Abuse


Mon, 12/14/15Delivery Length 3-4 pages







You are now in the fourth session with the Robertson family. Dan, Marie, and Peter have all recognized how they contribute to the family problems. Using the treatment method you chose for this family in your Phase 3 Discussion Board, describe the following in 3–4 pages:


  • How you will help the family members identify and interrupt harmful interaction patterns?
  • How will you assist the family members in adopting strategies and behaviors that sustain recovery?
    • Posted: 4 years ago
    • Due: 14/12/2015
    • Budget: $15


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