In a management trainee program at Claremont Enterprises, 80 percent of the trainees are female and… 1 answer below »

In a management trainee program at Claremont Enterprises, 80 percent of the trainees are female and… 1 answer below » |

In a management trainee program at Claremont Enterprises, 80 percent of the trainees are female and 20 percent male. Ninety percent of the females attended college, and 78 percent of the males attended college.

a. A management trainee is selected at random. What is the probability that the person selected is a female who did not attend college?

b. Are gender and attending college independent? Why?

c. Construct a tree diagram showing all the probabilities, conditional probabilities, and joint probabilities.

d. Do the joint probabilities total 1.00? Why?



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