I need this within 24 hours of being posted please, post theassembly code that should be typed into.

I need this within 24 hours of being posted please, post theassembly code that should be typed into. | savvyessaywriters.org

I need this within 24 hours of being posted please, post theassembly code that should be typed into Pep 9! The SiriusCybernetics Corporation makes droids from a batch of molten metal.The droids are then sent to the shipping department for shipping inboxes to the company warehouse. However, of the N droids receivedfrom the factory, one sixteenth are not up to standard and are sentback to be melted down. The remaining droids are packed as follows: As many as possible are packed into containers each holding 8droids. These containers cost 32 credits each to ship.   Of the remaining droids, as many as possible are packed intocrates each holding 4 droids. These crates cost 12 credits each toship.    The remaining droids are sent in individualboxes costing 8 credits each to ship. Write a Pep/9 assembly codeprogram that inputs N and outputs a report on the total shippingcosts. Example reports are shown below.   Extra credit: Repeat for additional values of N until zero is entered  Check forand ignore negative inputs. Turn in the source code of your programand examples of it being tested. (Example program runs)


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