I need someone to write 4 to 5 pages about Anorexia Nervosa disorder must be fictional story)

I need someone to write 4 to 5 pages about Anorexia Nervosa disorder must be fictional story) | savvyessaywriters.org

You will be responsible for writing a brief paper about a fictional person with a mental illness. Your job is to present a realistic, accurate, and comprehensive portrayal of what a person with a certain mental illness may look like: how the mental illness developed, the symptoms, how it was diagnosed, and how it was treated. The case must be fictional; do not base any elements of the paper on yourself or someone you know (directly or indirectly)! By the end of your paper, I should be able to tell that you have a thorough, accurate, and realistic understanding of the mental illness you selected and how it can present itself in the real world (as supported by research). Make sure to provide enough information to not only illustrate what the mental illness is, but also show why other similar diagnoses would not be accurate (e.g., if writing about someone with Anorexia Nervosa, make sure to provide information that shows why this person does not have Bulimia). We will discuss the paper more in class. In general, students with strong papers cover all the necessary information in 4-5 pages (double spaced). Papers should be generally consistent with APA style (e.g., 12-point font, one-inch margins).Your paper will be graded in part on the quality and clarity of your writing.


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