i need answers to these questions. I must have the answer by tomorrow morning. Document Preview: 1 H

i need answers to these questions. I must have the answer by tomorrow morning. Document Preview: 1 H | savvyessaywriters.org

i need answers to these questions. I must have the answer by tomorrow morning.

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1 Hyperlearning MCAT Instructor Qualifying Exam — Organic Chemistry 30 Questions (5 pages); Time limit = 45 minutes Use of books or notes is not permitted. 1. When analyzed with a polarimeter, which of the following would shown a nonzero optical rotation? A. A meso compound B. A racemic mixture C. An achiral compound D. A diastereomeric mixture 2. Any compound with 3 stereocenters must have: A. 1 enantiomer, 6 diastereomers, 3 epimers B. 1 enantiomer, 8 diastereomers, 3 epimers C. 1 enantiomer, 4 diastereomers, 1 epimer D. 1 enantiomer, 6 diastereomers, 1 epimer 3. How many different monochlorinated compounds would be produced from the free-radical chlorination of n-pentane? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 4. Which of the following reagents would most effectively convert a primary alcohol into the corresponding primary alkyl halide? A. NaBr B. CH3I C. Cl2 /h? D. PCl3 5. In deciding whether a substrate will undergo an SN1 or an SN2 reaction, all of the following must be considered EXCEPT the: A. degree of substitution of the carbon atom bonded to the leaving group. B. leaving group ability. C. basicity of the incoming group. D. solvent. E. nucleophilicity of the incoming group.
2 6. What is the reaction mechanism by which 1-bromo-3,5,6-trimethylheptane reacts with sodium thiomethoxide to form a thioester? A. SN1 B. SN2 C. E1 D. E2 E. Electrophilic aromatic substitution 7. Elimination of H-Br from 3-bromo-4-methylheptane can occur to give several different products. The most thermodynamically stable possible product is: A. 4-methylheptene B. 4-methylhept-2-ene. C. 4-methylhept-3-ene. D. 4-methylhept-4-ene. E. 4-methyleneheptane. 8. Elimination reactions can be favored over substitution reactions by all of the following EXCEPT: A. use of a strong base. B. heat. C. use of a poor nucleophile. D. use of a good leaving group. 9. Alcohols have higher boiling points than might be expected due to: A. the Woodward–Hoffman rules. B. the Cahn–Ingold–Prelog rules. C. the Thorpe–Ingold…



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