
i-need-an-essay-written-1 | savvyessaywriters.org

In this essay, you are asked to develop a position on whether or not you feel the USA deserves the label of greatest country in the world … and if it is ethical for any country to even hold such a label. Before you answer, however, ask yourself what you know all the other countries in the world. Do you know how many there are? Do you know what all other cultures are like? Can you answer the question without knowing those things? How will you measure greatness? Will you say the USA is the best because that’s where you were born? (That’s fairly ridiculous as we have no control of our birth and it’s sort of happenstance. Not to mention the egotism of it.) How would any country make such a claim about being the greatest? What if someone said the USA is the greatest country because we have roads? Other countries have roads… We have freedom! Other countries have freedom… We have opportunity! Other countries have opportunity… We have spoons and forks! Other countries have spoons and forks… Perhaps you would try to argue the USA isn’t the greatest because we have crime. Other countries have crime… We have homeless people! Other countries have homeless people… We have unemployment! Other countries have unemployment… We have a large military! Other countries have large militaries… (Is biggest best? Does might make right?) What metrics, levels, ideas, would you use to make your comparison to say we either are or are not the greatest country? Also, remember to wrestle with the question of whether or not it is ethical to claim a country is or isn’t the greatest. After careful consideration and analysis you will be tasked with writing an academic essay in the form of a position paper that takes a stand on one side of the argument (don’t straddle the fence) presenting that the USA does or doesn’t have a claim to be the greatest country in the world and whether or not such a claim is, in fact, ethical to make. However, you’ll have to back up your position with more than opinion. You will also need to consider some academic positions from scholarship on this issue. That means finding academic sources and incorporating them with proper paraphrases or limited quoting, citations, and so on. IMPORTANT NOTE: I DO NOT CARE WHICH POSITION YOU TAKE AND I DON’T GRADE ON WHICH POSITION YOU TAKE. I CARE AND GRADE ON WHETHER OR NOT YOU CAN ARGUE YOUR POSITION EFFECTIVELY, ACADEMICALLY, AND ETHICALLY. This essay is intended for a complex audience, including college professors and college students. As such, you shouldn’t make the rhetorical mistake of treating your audience simplistically by defining common terms or explaining simple concepts. Push this paper into deeply complex thinking and reflection. It should be written in either the MLA or APA documentation style, expository mode, and appropriate academic form (well-written, edited, following standard grammatical concepts, etc.). Successful essays historically incorporate 3-5 academic sources in 4-6 well developed pages.


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