I need a civil engineer to do my lab memo report for 2 pages only. The file what I attach has the la

I need a civil engineer to do my lab memo report for 2 pages only. The file what I attach has the la | savvyessaywriters.org

I need a civil engineer to do my lab memo report for 2 pages only. The file what I attach has the lab manual for the experiment what I did. and data what I got and Example to follow from my last lab.

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The data what I got
Example to follow from my last lab
Standard proctor test was introduced by Proctor in 1933 and is used to determine the moisture content of soil to achieve maximum dry density. The main objective of this test is to determine the maximum dry unit weight of compaction of soils that can be used for the specification of field compaction. the objective of this lab is to determine the maximum dry unit weight through the ASTM D689.
Obtained 10 lb (4.5 kg) of dry soil which we used for the compaction test and broke all the soil lumps so that the soil may be passed through a U.S. No. 4 sieve. After sieving the 6 lb (2.7 kg) of soil on a U.S. No. 4 sieve and added enough amount of water in 6 lb of soil to increase its moisture content to about 5% and determined the combined weight of Proctor mold and base plate, W1 (lb). After this, attached extension on top of the mold and pour the moist soil into the mold in three equal layers keeping in mind that each layer should be compacted uniformly by the standard proctor hammer 25 times before the next layer of loose soil is poured into the mold. Afterwards, the top attachment was removed from the mold and the excess soil trimmed above the mold and the weight of mold determined including base plate and compacted moist soil in mold, W2 (lb). Then, the base plate was removed from the mold and a representative sample of the soil placed in the mold an empty moisture can, M3 (g) and then weighted again the moisture sample obtained in step9 and mass of empty can, M4 (g). The moisture cans were then placed in the oven to dry. The remaining compacted soil was broken by hand and mixed with the remaining moist soil in the pan while more water was added to increase its moisture content by about 2%. This was repeated until a sample with a moisture content past the optimum point was achieved. The weight of mold including base plate and moist soil (W2) weight will gradually increase by increasing moisture content and then…



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