I just need to add a little bit details to this answer. James, a light-complexioned African American

I just need to add a little bit details to this answer. James, a light-complexioned African American | savvyessaywriters.org

I just need to add a little bit details to this answer.

James, a light-complexioned African American, has worked as a waiter at a restaurant for over a year. His manager, a brown-complexioned African American, has frequently made offensive comments and jokes about James’s skin color, causing him to lose sleep and dread coming in to work. James’s requests that the conduct stop only intensified the abuse.

What employment discrimination claims, if any does James have?

What are the potential basis and issue types?

Please describe the strengths and weaknesses of his claim.



The employment discrimination claims do by James are as follows:

He can claim for monetary compensation.

He can have the employment compensation.

He also claims for the treatment.

The potential basis and issue type is the Discrimination Law prevailing in the state or country regarding the color discrimination among the employee’s in the company.

The strength and weaknesses for the claim are as follows:


1. It motivates the employee to come out from the depression.

2. It makes the employee to belief the law prevailing in the society and makes him to reunite.

3. He may get the better job opportunities.


If the claim was not given to the James and it may not identify due to less proofs then he may loss the life.

He may get more depressed.

He may have started following same with others.

He may proceed with the heinous way.


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