hypothesis testing 5

Select one of the following options to complete the assignment:

·  Write a 500- to 700-word professional email that could be used to persuade an audience to a particular course of action around your chosen issue, problem, or opportunity, based on results of your hypothesis test.

·  Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that could be used to persuade an audience to a particular course of action around your chosen issue, problem, or opportunity, based on results of your hypothesis test. Deliver an oral presentation for Local Campus students or write detailed speaker notes for Online Campus students.

Select a data set that could benefit from hypothesis testing.  Examples of these published data sets can be pulled from the text, online sources, or StatDisk. You may also collect your own data, as long as it fulfills the requirements for a hypothesis test.

·  Formulate a hypothesis statement and perform a hypothesis testing procedure on the data identified above; you may refer to Figure 8.1 or 8.2 in the text, omitting the graph in Step 6.

·  Describe the results of the tests.

·  Interpret the results of your hypothesis test, state any limitations of the analysis, and describe the both the statistical and practical significance of the results. Attach the data set and the results of the hypothesis test output created.

Format your paper or presentation consistent with APA guidelines.