HSA 530 Discussion 1 – Analyze the evolution of HRM, and provide two examples of how these…

HSA 530 Discussion 1 – Analyze the evolution of HRM, and provide two examples of how these… | savvyessaywriters.org

HSA 530 Discussion 1 – Analyze the evolution of HRM, and provide two examples of how these evolutionary changes directly affect HRM in health care organizations.

  • From the first scenario, examine the role of human resources in health care organizations. Suggest a key characteristic that is required by HR to establish effective relationships with line managers, indicating the likely impact to the organization.

Discussion 2 -Determine which employment laws have the most impact on routine human resources activities within a health care organization. Support your rationale with examples of how two areas of the law affect HR in health care organizations.

  • From the second scenario, recommend a strategy that HR can use to address complaints related to a specific employee rights issue. Provide support for your recommendation.

HSA 535 Discussion 1 From the first two (2) e-Activities, give a synopsis of the various challenges facing health care professionals, and determine whether or not you believe these professionals can formulate predictive plans from both agencies. Be specific, giving supporting rationales for your observations. From the third e-Activity, give a comprehensive critiqued evaluation of your state’s DOH disease-management protocols. Also, from the analysis of the case study, determine if your state’s standpoint on the disease is adequate. Be specific, articulating the actions that can be taken to improve your state’s DOH.

Discussion 2 From the first two (2) e-Activities, functioning as an investigator collaborating with the two (2) agencies to obtain vital statistics on your particular demographic, you are tasked with obtaining the logistics and planning phase of the report. Prioritize the items you would consider when formulating comprehensive letters of inquiry to the agencies. From the third e-Activity, suppose you are the County Department of Health, Director of STDs Tracking and Surveillance System, tasked with drafting a memo to your state’s head of the DOH about ways to optimize your county’s efficiency. Prepare a rudimentary list of possible questions to articulate your concerns. Provide a rationale for the questions you have chosen.



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