HRM326 Phoenix Benefits of Formal Mentorship Program for E Bay Online Shopping Paper

Business Finance

  1. Create a 350-word executive summary as a team outlining the reasons why a company of your choice should invest in a mentoring program.

    Include the following in the summary:

    • Provide the needs analysis assessment and outcome for a mentoring program
    • Determine if the mentoring program will be formal or informal
    • When will the organization realize the return on the investment
    • Evaluate any legal considerations of the program
    • Conduct a SWOT analysis that will summarize the Benefits and Risks of a mentoring program
    • Determine how the program will be measured

    Cite all sources according to APA formatting guidelines.

    Combine Part 1 and Part 2 into one document to submit for your final assignment.

    Submit your assignment.


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Summary – Total of 350 words

  • Provide the needs analysis assessment and outcome for a mentoring program –
  • Determine if the mentoring program will be formal or informal –