How might Advantage Home Health formulate a prestige pricing strategy and a price bundling STRATEGY.

How might Advantage Home Health formulate a prestige pricing strategy and a price bundling STRATEGY. |

How might Advantage Home Health formulate a prestige pricing strategy and a price bundling STRATEGY

Assume that you plan to start a healthcare related business in your hometown. What products/services would you choose? Use either BCG Matrix, General Electric Model, or MAC Model to conduct your analysis. List your references) in APA format.

Week 4 Discussion Question 2

In line with the demographic trend, Advantage Home Health decides to offer adult daycare services. How might Advantage Home Health formulate a prestige pricing strategy and a price bundling strategy targeted to customers who do not have an insurance plan? List your reference(s) in APA format.

Week 4 Assignment

Conduct a SWOT analysis discussing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the healthcare organization in your marketing plan. Write a three- to four-page (excluding title and reference pages) SWOT Analysis paper in APA format. In your paper, incorporate a minimum of three scholarly sources (in addition to the course text) that were published within the past five years and that are cited according to APA guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
The SWOT analysis should include the following four components:
Strengths – An organization’s resources and capabilities that can be used as a basis for developing a competitive advantage.
Weaknesses – Internal attributes that the organization might struggle. The absence of certain strengths may be viewed as weaknesses.
Opportunities – External conditions that may reveal certain new opportunities on profit and growth.
Threats – Factors or changes in the external environment that may present threats to the organization.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Week 4 Discuss



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