GovDept is a mid-size governmental department providing important services of a social nature to… 1 answer below »

GovDept is a mid-size governmental department providing important services of a social nature to… 1 answer below » |

GovDept is a mid-size governmental department providing important services of a social nature to the

population of a large territory. From the technology perspective, the organization can be considered

as a late adopter of innovations and characterized by relative underinvestment in IT, which has certain

implications for both its IT landscape and respective management practices. On the one hand,

GovDept’s IT landscape is very heterogeneous and includes many legacy information systems and

technologies some of which have been in use for decades. On the other hand, its IT-related

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management practices are also rather archaic. For instance, the relationships between business and

IT leaders in the organization exhibit evident signs of “us and them” mentality, while new investments

in IT are viewed by business mostly as a means to reduce costs of the existing operations.

GovDept has a centralized IT department headed by the CIO and responsible for developing and

supporting information systems for all its business units. The IT department employs around 250

specialists and consists of three main functions: architecture, development and service. The

architecture function includes a few architects focused predominantly on specific IT solutions.

GovDept previously tried to uplift the maturity of its EA practice and extend the scope of architectural

planning beyond separate initiatives, but these attempts did not succeed and respective architects

had been made redundant.




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