
-from-the-following-set-of-story-notes-write-a-news-story-the-facts-are-not-in-chronological-orde | savvyessaywriters.org

From the following set of story notes, write a news story. The facts are not in chronological order nor are they written to be re-copied. Rewrite the sentences in your own words. Pay attention to AP style and grammar.

Story notes:

Children also spend more time on homework because they learn how to study using the computer, he says.

NYU graduate students observed 40 families in New York, Connecticut and New Jersey who have home computers, and Professor Joe Glacquinta is analyzing their computer use.

“Families appreciate each other a bit more than when Dad was watching TV and the son was playing his guitar,” Glacquinta said. “They’re spending more time together because they’re having fun working on their computers.”

He plans a four-year study of 2,000 families.

Families with home computers spend more time together and watch less TV, and the children do more homework, according to preliminary findings of a New York University study.

The Census Bureau says about 25 million families now have home computers.

As more and more homes get computers, the technological revolution “could alter the structure of the family,” according to Glacquinta.

Adapted from Workbook for Writing and Reporting the News: The Missouri Group, Ninth Edition.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDeadline and professionalism

Met deadline and submitted correctly with the required elements.

10.0 pts

Nothing turned in.

0.0 pts

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLede

Lede summarizes the information and gets attention.

10.0 pts

Lede only partially summarizes information and grabs attention.

5.0 pts

No lede.

0.0 pts

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStructure

Story follows proper news structure with a lede, quotes, details, etc. Most important info first.

10.0 pts

Story somewhat follows proper news structure with a lede, quotes, details, etc. Information is jumbled.

5.0 pts

Nothing submitted.

0.0 pts

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAttribution

All attribution is correctly placed.

10.0 pts

Attribution is incorrect.

6.0 pts


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