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In response to Napoleon posts, choose a Realist work from this week’s module that also depicts Revolution/war (or anything related to it). Compare how the formal qualities in this work convey a different mood/tone than in your peers’ Romantic work. Consider the following questions: Are you able to connect with the figures in one work more than in the other (e.g., through eye contact, proximity to the viewer, etc.)? Do you feel more strongly about one than the other (angry/sad/shocked/hopeful/hopeless)? The idea here is to start a discussion about the various ways that Revolution/war is portrayed in Romantic and Realist art respectively through formal qualities.Napoleon postFor this discussion post I decided to choose Visiting the Pest House in Jaffa by Baron Antoine-Jean Gros. This work paints a scene during the Bubonic Plague where Napoleon visits his troops in a make shift hospital, trying to calm them down about the ever growing fear and worry about the spread of the disease. Napoleon is leaning towards a soldier and touching a sore on the soldier’s chest. In the sidelines you see many sick soldiers on the floor, hunched over, sad. After examining this work of art, I have noticed many aspects of formal qualities. This painting has organic character, it implies movement and shade. This piece of art is 2D and rectangular, mimicking a moment frozen in time. I believe this painting to exhibit a medium range distance and have a perspective/illumination that attracts your attention naturally to Napoleon. You may also notice the dark and creamy colors used to paint this, it is very warm. I believe these qualities effect the tone and mood of this artwork by creating a somber scene with emotional colors and sorrowful scene. I, as the viewer, feel encouraged to adhere to the painting. Napoleon is painted in almost a Christ-like fashion, which leads me to believe he is merciful and prophetic. It leads me to believe the subject of the painting has good intentions and powerful. I believe in the painting, those surrounding him are thankful for him and want to follow his lead. You are encouraged to believe differently about him from what others had heard about what he planned to do to the sick soldiers, rather than he wanted people to believe he was going to heal his sick soldiers. You are led to feel pity and sorry for those who are sick in the painting as well.In responding to the next two of your peers, comment on their experiences and how they are similar or different from your own. Comment on the varying types of technology that may increase the prevalence of the misinformation effect. What ethical concerns did they perhaps not consider in their posts?Tiffany postA memory I can think of that became less accurate due to post event information is when I was younger my mom always told me my father was in the army and was hard to get in touch with. As i grew older I started asking why i never talked to him and she would say he was busy at work and it was hard to get in touch with him. Once i hit around 13 i started asking my mom more questions because I didn’t understand why I still haven’t met him or even seen a picture and she told me he walked out on us when I was born. Then i was at a point of hurt and confusion because I felt like she has been lying to me. I now understand it was to protect me.The explosion of technology, especially on social media, has contributed to how misinformation has become more prevalent in today’s world. One way is the about the presidential election, or any celebrities for that matter. The media will post believable stories online and the you scroll some more and see an article saying something the exact opposite. The human mind will eventually lean towards one of the articles as of telling the truth. Even if it is a lie of some sort. It sounds convincing ad believable.Some ethical concerns I can think of is reliable sources for the information.Marissa postReflect on an occasion when your recollection of a particular memory became less accurate because of post-event information. What were the contributing factors?To me this would have been the memory of when I was told my mom had passed away , as a child of 4 i did not get the concept of death and i never saw my moms body. I remember asking my grandfather where mommy was his response I remember quite clearly he told me simply mommy was gone. Now as a child I developed this idea that mommy was gone but she could come back like she was gone to work or something. I do not remember the services as she was cremated I believe I thought I was just going to church. I can remember frequently looking outside for my mom and her never coming home and me crying wanting my mom to come home. Eventually as i got older i understood what my grandfather meant by gone but I was confused for the longest time and because I did not know the importance of it do not remember much about the events after my moms death.In what ways has the explosion of technology and media/social media contributed to how the misinformation effect has become more prevalent in today’s world?Well with every event you have different points of view and with the availability of social media it also opens up the idea of propeganda for example during election time people on facebook were posting memes depicting a crying trump in a classroom of toddlers refusing to leave saying thats his reaction to leaving the white house- or on the Biden side memes linking him to child molestation. Now as we have a freedom of speech rule in our constitution we can post things like that however neither meme has factual evidence of this occuring. This trash talk on social media definately influences our choices subconciously , and also causes interactions with one another that may not be positive or conducive in nature. Another problem with social media is the availability of putting violence and videos of violence on the internet for people to watch, and react too as we all know often times violence often begets more violence. Case in point George Floyd after the video was posted online riots began instead of peaceful protests, and the video was horrible to watch and angered alot of people as the events were recoded as they occured, however it did bring to light the brutality of the police force against the african american culture.Suggestibility (the influence of others’ expectations on our memory) and misattribution (information attributed to an incorrect source) raise several ethical concerns. What are some that you can think of?Well the one biggest one was the Tuskegee experiment testing syphillis on the African American society at that time was socially acceptable. The experimenters infected non knowing participants with syphillis and did not make them aware . The original name of the study was called ” Tuskegee study of untreated syphillis in the negro male”. The study consisted of 600 black men 399 with syphillis and 201 without. The study was performed without informed consent. The study told the men they were being treated for bad blood which could be a number of different diseases including syphillis, anemia , and fatigue. In truth they did not receive proper treatment to cure them. As incentive the men received free exams free meals and burial assistance upon death. Back then the society looked at African American culture as less then the Caucasian ones, segregation was still ongoing as well. The study began in 1932 ,and ended in 1973- penicillin treatments were developed in 1947 for syphillis but no participants were given this treatment either.Discussion QuestionRespond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:Research various methods of communication that are commonly used in business, such as email, VoIP, texting, messaging, as well as software applications used to support each (Microsoft® Outlook®, Skype®, Twitter®, Instagram®).Discuss the questions:In what business context would it be appropriate to use each communication method?What are some of the advantages of using one method or application over another?
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