Flow between two tanks (Fig. 7B.4). Case I: A fluid flows between two tanks A and B because p A…

Flow between two tanks (Fig. 7B.4). Case I: A fluid flows between two tanks A and B because p A… | savvyessaywriters.org

Flow between two tanks (Fig. 7B.4). Case I: A fluid flows between two tanks A and B because pA > pPB. The tanks are at the same elevation and there is no pump in the line. The connecting line has a cross-sectional area S, and the mass rate of flow is w for a pressure drop of (p, – p,),. Case 1%. It is desired to replace the connecting line by two lines, each with cross section SII = is1. What pressure difference (pA – pB is needed to give the same total mass flow rate as in Case I? Assume turbulent flow and use the Blasius formula  for the friction factor. Neglect entrance and exit losses.



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