Exploring the Paradigm Wars in Organisation Theory… 1 answer below »

Exploring the Paradigm Wars in Organisation Theory… 1 answer below » | savvyessaywriters.org

Task is to critically analyse the contribution that strategic choice and determinist theories (Resource Dependency Theory; Institutional Theory; Population Ecology) make to our understanding of organisational action. Which perspective do you find most compelling – strategic choice or determinism?

Write an essay-style response to this question, referring to the current academic literature on this topic.
As a general rule, a minimum of three (3) academic references from peer-reviewed journals, in addition to references from the subject core text is required.

This essay is a critical review of the influential ideas about the role of managers in shaping organsational outcomes.

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Essay instructions Exploring the Paradigm Wars in Organisation Theory The field of organisation theory is characterised as a fragmented body of knowledge, with many competing theories to explain organisational action. Your task is to critically analyse the contribution that strategic choice and determinist theories (Resource Dependency Theory; Institutional Theory; Population Ecology) make to our understanding of organisational action.  Which perspective do you find most compelling – strategic choice or determinism?  Explain your reasoning. Detailed instructions: Write an essay-style response to this question, referring to the current academic literature on this topic. As a general rule, a minimum of three (3) academic references from peer-reviewed journals, in addition to references from the subject core text is required. You may find this resource on  HYPERLINK “http://latrobe.libguides.com/writing/arts-social-sciences” o “Guide to essay writing” t “_blank” Essay Writing  helpful. This essay is a critical review of the influential ideas about the role of managers in shaping organsational outcomes.  Most critical essays follow this type of structure: Introduction Open the essay with a short introduction to the area.   Provide a response to the essay question. Provide a summary or ‘road map’ of your essay (a very brief outline of what you will discuss) Main body The main body of your essay will consist of paragraphs, which are akin to building blocks in the construction of your argument.  Ensure that you: develop a discussion, informed by the key academics in the field, which answers the essay question demonstrate your knowledge of the field offer exposition and evidence to develop your arguments.  Evidence will be the references to seminal works and key empirical studies use relevant examples and authoritative quotes – however only use quotes for effect.  Excessive quoting does not demonstrate your understanding of the field. if your question has multiple…




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