Evaluate the following claim: “The extreme social distancing currently being advocated for in the… 1 answer below »

Evaluate the following claim: “The extreme social distancing currently being advocated for in the… 1 answer below » | savvyessaywriters.org

Evaluate the following claim: “The extreme social distancing

currently being advocated for in the United States will end up killing more people

than the Corona Virus would have in the absence of social distancing.” Feel free to

take either side of the claim (I personally don’t know whether it is true or not, but

it’s worth thinking about). Also, make sure you reference material from class in

your answer. Was there a model we discussed that relates health to income? What

would have to be true in that model to make the claim more or less valid? How

does your answer change if we assume that, ceteris paribus, COVID-19 has much

higher mortality rates for the elderly than for the young and middle-aged?




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