Ethnographic interview paper – Assignments Help Online |
Ethnographic interview paper – Assignments Help Online |
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Key Performance IndicatorAssignment: Ethnographic Interview Paper PYCL 632 Required KPI Assignment: Ethnographic Interview Paper(20 points) For the ethnographic interview students are asked to interview a person who is culturally different from you (e.g.,age, race/ethnic background, socioeconomic and/or occupationalstatus,ability,etc.). The interview will be conducted in a specific format. Students are to prepare a set of questions that would fall under the broad content areas stated below prior to meeting with the interviewee. During the interview, Generated: 9/25/2020 Page 14 of 25 keep notes that will be useful in writing the final 7 to 10-page paper about the interviewing experience. The paper must be written inAPA style and format (i.e., title page,abstract,etc.)?and have at least 3 scholarly sources (no older than 10 years) to support your writing. Scholarly sources are journals and books, no websites or brochures. The following broad content areas must be addressed during the interview. In writing your paper, please organize it using these broad content areas as major headings and using your interview questions as subheadings under these areas. The broad content areas to cover are: 1. Demographic information of the interviewee (e.g.,age, gender, SES,ethnicity,etc.) 2. Background (e.g., place of birth,childhood and experiences growing up,education, work, marriage, children, religion,etc.) 3. Cultural identity [e.g., with which culture interviewee identifies, what are the characteristics of his/her culture, norms, worldview (from the perspective of your interviewee); when and why cultural identity became important – or not] 4. Positive and damaging lived experiences from belonging to this group (from the interviewee’s point of view, including stereotypes,cultural pride,etc.) 5. Benefits and barriers of belonging to this group in relation to the dominant culture. 6. Other (areas and questions that student interviewer may deem important to cover). In writing the final paper, in addition to summarizing the information gathered during the interview by addressing the broad content areas above, reflect on the following 4 areas and create headings in the paper to address them. Also don’t forget to add a formal introduction and conclusion to the final paper. 1. Reflect on what you learned as a result of interviewing this individual. Specifically, what are the differences in acculturation and values between you (the counselor) and the?interviewee (the client)? 2. Reflect on your own biases, prejudices,and racist attitudes existing before the interview and how they might have or have not changed as a result of interviewing this individual. What challenges would you face in counseling this individual? 3. Discuss your plan to advocate for and support this individual/group of individuals given what you learned about the interviewee’s challenges, damaging experiences, and limitations within our society. 4. Discuss specific culturally-adaptive interventions that are recommended when working with this group of individuals (support this with scholarly findings in the literature). A rubric for this assignment can be found at the end of the syllabus.Required Ethnographic Interview Paper Key Performance Indicator Assignment Rubric The “Ethnographic Interview Paper” assignment is used as a Key Performance Indicator for the common core area of “Social and Cultural Diversity.” Criterion Not Met = 0 points Met =2 points Exceeded = 2.5 points Points 1. Demographic, Background, and Cultural Identity Information of the Interviewee (2.5 points max) Student did not include any information about the interviewee. Student included some information about the interviewee but not all required fields. Student included all required information about the interviewee, including demographic, background, and cultural identity information. Generated: 9/25/2020 Page 21 of 25 2. Positive and Damaging Lived Experiences (2.5 points max) Student did not discuss positive and damaging lived experiences of the interviewee. Student discussed positive or damaging lived experiences of the interviewee, but not both. Student discussed positive and damaging lived experiences of the interviewee. Student asked additional questions related to this content area to gain a broader understanding of the lived experiences of the interviewee. 3. Benefits and Barriers of Belonging to this Cultural Group (2.5 points max) [2. F. 2. e.] Student did not discuss benefits and barriers faced by the interviewee due to belonging to his/her cultural group. Student discussed benefits or barriers faced by the interviewee due to belonging to his/her cultural group, but not both. Student discussed benefits and barriers faced by the interviewee due to belonging to his/her cultural group. Student asked additional questions related to this content area to gain a broader understanding of the benefits and barriers faced by the interviewee. 4. Reflection on Lessons Learned (2.5 points max) [2. F. 2. f.] [2. F. 2. g] Student did not discuss lessons learned as a result of this interview. Student discussed some lessons learned as a result of this interview. Student discussed lessons learned as a result of this interview. Student reflected on the differences in acculturation and values between self and the interviewee. 5. Reflection on Biases (2.5 points max) [2. F. 2. f.] [2. F. 2. g] Student did not reflect on his/her own biases, prejudices, and racist attitudes existing before the interview. Student reflected on his/her own biases, prejudices, and racist attitudes existing before the interview, and on how they might have (or not) changed as a result of interviewing this individual. Student reflected on his/her own biases, prejudices, and racist attitudes existing before the interview, and on how they might have (or not) changed as a result of interviewing this individual. Student reflected on the challenges he/she might encounter if counseling this individual. 6. Advocacy Plan (2.5 points max) [2. F. 2. a.] [2. F. 2. e.] Student did not include a plan to advocate for and support the interviewee and their cultural group. Student included a plan to advocate for and support the interviewee or their cultural group, but not both. Student included a plan to advocate for and support both the interviewee and their cultural group. Generated: 9/25/2020 Page 22 of 25 7. Culturally Adaptive Interventions (2.5 points max) [2. F. 2. c.] Student did not discuss culturally adaptive interventions that are appropriate when working with the interviewee’s cultural group. Student discussed culturally-adaptive interventions that are appropriate to use when working with the interviewee’s cultural group. Student discussed culturally adaptive interventions that are appropriate to use when working with the interviewee’s cultural group. Student used at least three scholarly references from the literature to support the use of these interventions. 8. Formatting, APA Style, and Sources (2.5 points max) Student’s paper did not include proper APA style of writing or outside sources Student’s paper followed some of the APA style of writing and included 3 scholarly sources. Student’s paper included proper APA style. More than 5 additional current and relevant scholarly sources were cited.
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