english 2

 “Stated Main Idea,” and “Implied Main Idea” homework. Then watch the following video clip – Old Spice: The Man Your Man Could Smell Like. To find the clip, go to YouTube.com and search by title.  After watching the video, complete the questions as directed. 

Identify the topic of the clip.

Identify the purpose of the clip.

Identify the audience of the clip.

In your own words, what is the implied main idea?

What is the stated main idea?

Give 2 examples of specific details that you find to be most effective in this clip.

Now watch the clip – Old Spice: Scent Vacation. To find the clip, go to YouTube.com and search by title.  After watching the video, complete the questions as directed. 

Identify the topic of the clip.

Identify the purpose of the clip.

Identify the audience of the clips.

In your own words, what is the implied main idea?

What is the stated main idea?

Give 2 examples of specific details that you find to be most effective in this clip.

These question are worth 50 points