Door Dash’s Current Ethical Dilemma

Door Dash’s Current Ethical Dilemma |

You will locate current ethical dilemma events. In a 3-4 page paper, you will identify an issue that reveals an ethical dilemma. You must describe the dilemma, state the facts leading up to the dilemma, provide a brief description of all of the stakeholders involved in the dilemma and/or who have an interest in the outcome of the dilemma, proffer suggestions for best dealing with and/or solving the dilemma, and explain why the proffered suggestion(s) is ideal given the circumstances. Papers will be graded for clarity, comprehensiveness, and grammar. Papers must be typewritten in 12-point font size (Times New Roman), double spaced, and have one-inch margins all around.  Please use course readings along with additional sources (with a minimum of 3 references). In addition to providing a cover and references page.For my topic, I want to talk about Door Dash ethical Dilemma where the tips were not going to the workers.  Must you three sources.  The first source is mandatory, the other two are optional. Use 3-5 quotes to support. Please use the Book to support your claim that is also mandatory. I have attached the book to the question. Thank you!


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