
Developing-a-Care-Plan- |

Phase 5: Developing a Care Plan

You are now in Phase 5 of the Capstone project. Last week, you conducted a risk assessment to identify the health risks faced by the aggregate you selected.

This week, begin working on a comprehensive care plan for the aggregate and submit it to the W6 Assignment 2 Dropbox by Tuesday, November 14, 2017.

The care plan should propose a nursing diagnosis for the aggregate and include strategies to tackle the major health risks identified during the risk assessment.

In addition, it should include a disaster management plan with the following components:

  • List of disasters that might affect your aggregate (take into consideration the geographical location of the aggregate, past history, etc.)
  • Strategies for handling at least two disasters from the list
  • Recommendation for a disaster supplies kit

Your comprehensive care plan should be in a 4- to 5-page Microsoft Word document. Be sure to apply Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, Track (MAP-IT) in your assessment process.

Note: The grading rubric for this assignment is available in Week 6 as you start this assignment in Week 5 but submit the completed assignment in Week 6.

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