Describe your selected school experience that influenced your personal identity development. (1 poin

Describe your selected school experience that influenced your personal identity development. (1 poin |

Describe your selected school experience that influenced your personal identity development. (1 points) Describe the school where your experience took place including (a) school characteristics, (b) student population characteristics, (c) socio-economic background of the families affiliated with the school, (d) the family structures represented, and (e) values, behaviors, and symbols that would be considered normal in that community (microculture). (2 points) Explain the influence that your familys “funds of knowledge” and social capital had on your ability to succeed in your school; address your success in the following three areas: academic success, social success, and emotional success. (1 points) Explain, using specific examples, how educators could use information about culture and individual student identities to make effective instructional decisions. (1 points)

If you are enrolled in the MAED Program, it is imperative that you keep copies of all assignments completed in this course. You will return to them for the portfolio that you will create in your final MAED course. This portfolio is a culminating project that will demonstrate that you have met program outcomes.

Review this weeks Instructor Guidance for additional information about completing this assignment. Contact your instructor for clarifications about this or any assessment in the course before the due date using the “Ask Your Instructor” forum. Then, also using the Grading Rubric as a guide for your performance on this assignment, construct your assignment to meet each of the content and written communication expectations.

Review your assignment with the Grading Rubric to be sure you have achieved the distinguished levels of performance for each criterion and submit the assignment for evaluation no later than Day 7.


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