
Culturally-Appropriate-Practices-and-Goal-Setting |

For this assignment, you will be reflecting on culturally practices after viewing several virtual environments and offer some ideas for how you might improve or extend the culturally appropriate practices in those environments. You will also reflect on how you will apply what you learned in a future ECE professional role by setting a new goal for yourself professionally

Key Area of Practice for Module 06:Culturally Appropriate Practices and Goal Setting

Effective educators reflect often on their practices and progress! First, reflect on culturally appropriate practices in this assignment’s videos. Next, think about a professional goal you might want to set for yourself for your next Exploration course.

To complete this assignment, first watch all of the videos below and read their commentary.

Helping with Homework

The Hidden Value of Routine Activities

The Joy of Reading Together

What is a Book Anyway?

How Two Friends Talk Through Hugs and Tugs

Reading Spiderman

What it Takes to Bake a Cake

Choose two of the videos to address in your paper.

Next, answer the following questions. In your written responses, be sure to use complete sentences as well as proper punctuation and grammar. You will be evaluated on whether or not you provided clear ideas and a plan for improvement or extension of the lesson, not the feasibility of those ideas.

Describe one new skill or piece of information you have gained through this course regarding culturally appropriate practices

Name the two videos you chose and answer the following questions in regard to those videos.

Using your culturally appropriate lens, what did you notice about these videos.

Did you feel the video represented cultural appropriateness? Why or why not.

Where there any areas you thought could be improved? In what way

What one goal will you set for yourself for your next Exploration course based on anything you have learned in this course? List the resources needed as well as how you will know you have reached this goal.

To prepare to answer this question, review the topics of the role of standards, DAP versus DIP the importance of play, the use of positive teaching strategies to promote positive guidance, communication with families, and cultural appropriateness. Focus on one NEW goal for yourself in relation to any of these topics from this course to extend your professional development in the ECE field

Download the template containing these questions below.


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