CS 179 – ASSIGNMENT #3 – WINTER 2013 NAME __________________________ Ch. 4, 5, & 6 and Bandwidth…

CS 179 – ASSIGNMENT #3 – WINTER 2013 NAME __________________________ Ch. 4, 5, & 6 and Bandwidth…

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CS 179 – ASSIGNMENT #3 – WINTER 2013 NAME __________________________

Ch. 4, 5, & 6 and Bandwidth

Edit your answers in Bold into this document then upload it via Moodle.

For the Web research questions, since Web sites often change, if the steps outlined in the assignment don’t lead you to the requested info try to find where that info is in the current version of the Web site.

PART ONE – Ch. 4 – Ethernet Basics
Refer to Ch. 4 in the text. You may also want to refer to the Power Point slide show for Chapter 4 (available in Moodle) for these questions.

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CS 179 – ASSIGNMENT #3 – WINTER 2013 NAME __________________________
Ch. 4, 5, & 6 and Bandwidth
Edit your answers in Bold into this document then upload it via Moodle.

For the Web research questions, since Web sites often change, if the steps outlined in the assignment don’t lead you to the requested info try to find where that info is in the current version of the Web site.

PART ONE – Ch. 4 – Ethernet Basics
Refer to Ch. 4 in the text. You may also want to refer to the Power Point slide show for Chapter 4 (available in Moodle) for these questions.

Read the Chapter Summary on pg. 85-86. Nothing to turn in for this one.

As a review, do the self-assessment quiz from the publisher’s website: : http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0071789111/student_view0/chapter4/self-assessment_quiz.html

If the above link does not work go to: http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0071789111/student_view0/index.html
then choose Chapter 4 in the upper left, then select Self-Assessment Quiz.

Nothing to turn in. The correct answers are provided after you submit your answers

Do the even questions in the Key Term Quiz, pg. 86-87. Notice that the key terms are listed immediately above on pg. 86. Enter your answers here:
2. ___________________________
4. ______________________________
6. ___________________________
8. ___________________________
10. __________________________

Do question #3 in Essay Quiz on pg. 88. Enter your essay below:

When a switch is in normal operation, in order to deliver an incoming frame it (select the best answer)
a. sends the frame out all ports.
b. sends the frame out all ports except the one from which it came.
c. sends the frame only to the port from which it came.
d. does a table lookup to find the port outside of which the destination MAC address in the frame is located.

________________________ is the function of the CRC in Ethernet.

Which access method is used by Ethernet? …



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