
Create-3-test-questions-that-are-aligned-with-each-of-the-content-standards-listed-above |

Language Arts: The student will be able to apply the most common conventions associated with written English; spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and word usage.

Mathematics: The student will be able to apply the four basic computation operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).

Create 3 test questions that are aligned with each of the content standards listed above. That is a total of 6 questions, 3 for LA and 3 for Math. Please identify the approximate grade level for each area. The difficulty of the task should coincide with the grade level. I am looking for alignment of the standard to your test question to establish validity of your test question.

The book is opham, W. J. (2014). Classroom assessment: What teachers need to know (7th ed.) Pearson.

chapter 4


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